Monday, June 6, 2011

Orderliness - Counting/Measuring


Leanne (DS 4, DD 6) said...

Measurement Mania - Games and Activities that make math easy and fun by Lynette Long.

Great book with lots of ideas for both young children (simple games that use measuring) and older too (converting to/from metric).

Leanne (DS 4, DD 6) said...

Other memorable books we used:

On the scale, a weighty tale by Brian P. Cleary (fun)

It is about time by Cecilia Minden (good simple explanation)

Magnus Maximus, a marvelous measurer (picture book story about a man who measures so much he forgets to enjoy himself - cute) by Kathleen T. Pelley

Around the clock with Harriet by Betsy and Giulio Maestro) - cute book about an elephant as she goes about her day - my son loved this one

Starting off with measuring (Oxford University press)

Me and the Measure of things by Joan Sweeney