Thursday, June 16, 2011

Inquisitiveness - Earth Science


Shannon said...

For 2nd Grade Level:

Earth’s Layers and Soil Composition:
- The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth
- Planet Earth/Inside Out by Gail Gibbons
- Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander

I posted more of our favorite books at

Shannon said...

For 2nd grade level:

- Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop by Stuart Murphy
- Julie the Rockhound by Gail Karwoski
- Let's Go Rock Collecting” by Roma Gans
- Rocks in His Head by Carol Otis Hurst
- Dry Bones and Other Fossils by Gary and Mary Parker (*Christian)

I posted more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

For 2nd grade level:

Fossils (all Christian except 1):
- Dry Bones and Other Fossils by Gary & Mary Parker
- What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs by John Morris and Ken Ham
- When Dragons’ Hearts Were Good by Buddy Davis
- Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish
- In the Days of Noah by Gloria Clanin
- Dinosaurs of Eden by Ken Ham
- Jehovah’s Park Versus Jurassic Park by Catie Frates
- Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, Vo. 1 by Peterson
- Archeologists Dig for Clues by Kate Duke (Not Christian - Need to change many words)
- Great background reading for parent is "In the Beginning" by Walt Brown

I posted more of our favorite books at

Shannon said...

For 2nd grade level:

Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes:
- Volcanoes by Rob Shone
- The Explosive World of Volcanoes by Christopher Harbo
- Hill of Fire by Thomas Lewis

I posted more of our favorite books at

Shannon said...

For 2nd grade level:

- The Earth-Shaking Facts about Earthquakes with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Katherine Krohn
- Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters by Harriet Griffey
- Danger! Earthquakes by Seymour Simon
- Earthquakes by Jennifer Dussling and Lori Osiecki
- Earthquakes by Franklin Branley

I posted more of our favorite books at

Shannon said...

For 2nd grade level:

- Charlie and Trike in the Grand Canyon Adventure by Ken Ham (Christian)
- Cracking Up: A Story About Erosion by Bailey & Jacqui (Not Christian)
- Grand Canyon Suite by Ferde Grofé (CD)

I posted more of our favorite books at

Leanne said...

Fossils by Sally M. Walker (Early Bird Earth Science Series) - only reference to time frames is on first page where it says "more than 10,000 years"

Leanne said...

Sorry -kids are 8 and 6 for fossils book. :-)