Thursday, June 16, 2011

Courage - American Revolution


Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on King George III, Patrick Henry, & Samuel Adams:

-Patrick Henry: Voice of Liberty by William Jones
-George vs. George: The American Revolution As Seen from Both Sides by Rosalyn Schanzer.
-Founding Fathers DVD Series by the History Channel. Disc 1 includes Samuel Adams & Disc 2 includes Patrick Henry
-Mary Geddy's Day: A Day in Colonial Williamsburg by Waters, Kate
-Can’t You Make Them Behave King George? by Jean Fritz
-Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29the of May? by Jean Fritz
-Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? by Jean Fritz

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on Paul Revere, Boston Massacre, & Boston Tea Party:

-Paul Revere and the Minute Men by Dorothy Fisher (Landmark chapter book)
-The Boston Massacre by Michael Burgan
-The Boston Tea Party by Rod Espinosa
-The Boston Tea Party by Matt Doeden
-“No More Kings” (School House Rock) on You Tube
-And Then What Happened Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz
-The Liberty Tree by Lucille Penner
-Joining the Boston Tea Party by Diane Stanley

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on Lexington & Concord, Thomas Jefferson, & Declaration of Independence:

-We Were There at Lexington and Concord by Felix Sutton
-Thomas Jefferson by Joseph Olgin
-“Fireworks” (by School House Rock) on You Tube
-The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ill. by Christopher Bing
-Let It Begin Here! by Don Brown
-Let It Begin Here! by Dennis Fradin
-Thomas Jefferson’s Feast by Frank Murphy
-The Declaration of Independence ill. by Sam Fink

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on George Washington, Battle of Trenton, & Betsy Ross:

-Nathan Hale by Nathan Olson
-Betsy Ross by Kay Olson
-George Washington by Matt Doeden
-King George: What Was His Problem? by Steve Sheinkin
-George Washington by Garnet Jackson
-Founding Fathers DVD set by History Channel ("The Crossing" does include slightly vulgar language, so you might want to preview it first.)
-George vs. George by Rosalyn Schanzer
-Crossing the Delaware by Louise Peacock
-Picture Book of the Continental Soldier by Wilbur (has some neat illustrations showing costumes and weapons)

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on Benjamin Franklin, Battle of Saratoga, & Valley Forge:

-Winter at Valley Forge by Matt Doeden
-Winter at Valley Forge by F. Van Wyck Mason (read some of this)
-Benjamin Franklin by Kay Olson
-George vs. George by Rosalyn Schanzer
-King George: What Was His Problem? by Steve Sheinkin (read some of this)
-Founding Fathers DVD set from History Channel

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Shannon said...

2nd - 3rd Grade Level on Battle of Yorktown, Benedict Arnold, Swamp Fox, & John Paul Jones:

-Francis Marion: Swamp Fox of the Carolinas by Elizabeth (Black) Carmer
-John Paul Jones : Hero of the Seas by Brandt
-Benedict Arnold by Michael Burgan
-Molly Pitcher by Jason Glaser
-Heroines of the American Revolution by Diane Silcox-Jarrett
-“Shot Heard Round the World” (by School House Rock) on You Tube

I listed many more of our favorite books at:

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

We've loved the following books:

Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?

Boston Tea Party by Pamela Edwards (done in a "The House that Jack Built" format) ~ this was a favorite with the 4 year old

Paul Revere's Ride: The Landlords Tale - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, illustrated!

Let It Begin Here! Lexington and Concord <-- informative and VERY engaging!

The Little Maid of Ticonderoga <-- a freebie for kindle. This was an awesome chapter book that captivated my boys even though it was about a little girl who helped Ethan Allan.

We DO NOT recommend:
George vs. George for younger children. It touches on how the patriots raped women and goes into detail on scalping indians and making leggings out of the skin of dead indians. I did not want my young children exposed to this. There were parts of the book that were informative and it might be an ok book to use with older children.